How do I change my password?

How do I change my password?

In order to change your password, you must click on the link for Help and First-time users on the login page. 

The Help and First-time users link will take you to the following page:

If you have set up your recovery questions you will be able to change your password from this page by entering your Jeff State email address. You should see this page:

You should see this page with whichever questions you chose to answer yourself: 

On the next screen you will be able to enter your new password. 

Things to remember: 
1. Remove or clear all passwords stored on mobile devices. This includes WiFi password for Jeff State WiFi as well as mail applications on your mobile device. This will keep you from getting locked out of this entire process causing undue frustration and stress.
2. It is easier to open Notepad or Sticky Notes and enter the password you wish to use into it, then copy/paste in each field on password change form. That way you have the ability to see exactly what you type as well as the benefit of both fields matching exactly.
3. Delete the note. Do not store your password where it is visible on your computer. 
4. Passwords will expire in 6 months. You will receive an email reminding you to be prepared. 
5. Be patient. It might take a little while for the password changes to propagate to Email and Wireless.