How do I update my Authentication Methods for my JSCC Microsoft account if I am changing my phone number?

How do I update my Authentication Methods for my JSCC Microsoft account if I am changing my phone number?

If you need to change your phone number and it is how you authenticate your identity to your email address, you can do so by visiting the following link,,  You will need to be logged in O365 to access this page. 

Below is the page you will see when you click on the link. 

As you can see here on the screen, I have 2 different methods setup. I can either have a text sent to my phone number, or I can use an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator downloadable through Google Play or Apple Store. 

As you can see for my Default sign-in method I can have either a text sent to my phone number on file, or use an authenticator app that generates the code automatically. 

You can add another  method as a backup. This is highly recommended. As you can see, I have 3 setup with the app on my phone being the default or first chosen method. If you need to use a different method due to phone number change or authenticator app not being moved to new phone. 

When you add multiple methods, you can click on the link below the verification page to an alternate method to receive a code to input verifying your identity. This means, if your phone is not available with an app, or text, you can choose an email account, or another phone number. These can be modified at any time. 

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